
Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism contributor Carolyn L. Karcher

Editor’s bio

Carolyn L. Karcher is professor emerita of English, American studies, and women’s studies at Temple University. Her latest book is A Refugee from His Race: Albion W. Tourgée and His Fight against White Supremacy (2016).

Contributors’ bios

Joel Beinin is the Donald J. McLachlan Professor Emeritus of History and Professor of Middle Eastern History at Stanford University. His books include Was the Red Flag Flying There? Marxist Politics and the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Egypt and Israel, 1948–1965 (1990); and Workers and Peasants in the Modern Middle East (2001).

Sami Shalom Chetrit, a renowned Hebrew poet, is associate professor of Hebrew literature and culture at Sapir University, Israel. His books include Intra-Jewish Conflict in Israel: White Jews, Black Jews (2009) and Jews (2014, a selection of his poetry translated into English).

Ilise Benshushan Cohen is a Sephardi/Mizrahi scholar-activist with a Ph.D. in social and cultural anthropology focused primarily on Israeli Mizrahi-Jewish experiences of war and eviction in 2006–2007. She is the founder/coordinator of the Atlanta chapter of JVP.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers.

Rabbi Michael Davis, formerly a National Religious Orthodox settler in Israel, leads Makom Synagogue in Chicago, is a member of JVP’s Rabbinical Council, and founded Open Hillel’s Rabbinical Council.

Hasia R. Diner is the Paul and Sylvia Steinberg Professor of Jewish History at New York University. Her books include The Jews of the United States, 1654–2000 (2004) and We Remember with Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence After the Holocaust, 1945–1962 (2009).

Marjorie N. Feld is professor of history at Babson College. She is the author of Lillian Wald: A Biography (2008) and Nations Divided: American Jews and the Struggle over Apartheid (2014).

Chris Godshall graduated from Columbia University in 2015 with a B.A. in political science and Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African studies. He is currently attending Georgetown University Law Center, hoping to work on civil and human rights.

Ariel Gold is the national co-director at Code Pink and coordinates its Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaigns. She holds a B.A. in policy analysis and management from Cornell University and a master’s in social work from the State University of New York at Binghamton.

Noah Habeeb is an M.A. candidate in urban and environmental policy and planning at Tufts University, from which he also holds a B.A. He is a former Next Leader at the Institute for Policy Studies.

Claris Harbon is an Arab-Jew/Mizrahi feminist and a human- and social-economic rights lawyer and scholar, originally from Israel. She holds an LL.B. and two LL.M. degrees, one from Yale University and one from Tel Aviv University, as well as a Doctor of Law from McGill University.

Linda Hess is senior lecturer emerita in the Department of Religious Studies at Stanford University. Her books include Singing Emptiness: Kumar Gandharva Performs the Poetry of Kabir (2009), and Bodies of Song: Kabir Oral Traditions and Performative Worlds in North India (2015).

Rabbi Linda Holtzman, one of the first women rabbis to preside over a synagogue, now heads Tikkun Olam Chavurah, a prayer group that pursues social justice work as a community. She serves on the JVP Board of Directors.

Yael Horowitz holds a B.A. in African American studies and film studies from Wesleyan University, from which she graduated in 2017.

Mira Klein is a Diasporic Jew living in Minneapolis. She holds a B.A. in government and environmental studies from Wesleyan University, from which she graduated in 2017.

Sydney Levy, a queer Latinx, is a co-coordinator of the caucus of Jews of Color, Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews in solidarity with Palestine, and a steering committee member of both the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights and the Global Jewish Network in Solidarity with Palestine.

Ben Lorber served as the campus coordinator of JVP from 2015 to 2018. A journalist, organizer, and activist, he has worked with the International Solidarity Movement and the Alternative Information Center in Palestine, the migrant justice movement in Tucson, Arizona, and Warehouse Workers for Justice in Chicago.

Shoshana Madmoni-Gerber is associate professor of communication and journalism at Suffolk University, Massachusetts. She is the author of Israeli Media and the Framing of Internal Conflict: The Yemenite Babies Affair (2009).

Carly Manes graduated from the University of Michigan in 2015 with a B.A. in public policy. Currently, she is a reproductive health, rights, and justice advocate based in Washington, DC.

Moriah Ella Mason is an artist, a body worker, and a teacher who holds a B.A. in liberal arts from Sarah Lawrence College, from which she graduated in 2009.

Seth Morrison, a specialist in media and marketing, participated in AIPAC, the Jewish Federation, and the Jewish National Fund before joining JVP, on whose board he now serves as treasurer.

Eliza Rose Moss-Horwitz is a senior at Barnard College of Columbia University, pursuing a BA in religion with a specialization in religion and activist movements.

Hilton Obenzinger’s books include This Passover and the Next I Will Never Be in Jerusalem (1980), American Palestine: Melville, Twain, and the Holy Land Mania (1999), and Treyf Pesach (2017).

Henri Picciotto served on the JVP Board of Directors from 2002 to 2009 and chaired it for much of that period. He has authored or co-authored many books and articles on math education.

Ned Rosch is a yoga teacher and a frequent presenter on issues related to Palestine-Israel. He has spent much of his career working with nonprofits.

Rabbi Brant Rosen is the founding rabbi of Tzedek Chicago, a non-Zionist synagogue, the Midwest regional director of the American Friends Service Committee, a cofounder of Jewish Voice for Peace’s Rabbinical Council, and the author of Wrestling in the Daylight: A Rabbi’s Path to Palestinian Solidarity (2012).

Alice Rothchild’s works include the books On the Brink: Israel and Palestine on the Eve of the 2014 Gaza Invasion (2014), and Condition Critical: Life and Death in Israel/Palestine (2016) and the documentary film Voices across the Divide.

Tali Ruskin is a queer Ashkenazi Jew, currently working as the domestic violence specialist at Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. She holds a master’s in social work and in public health from Boston University.

Cathy Lisa Schneider is associate professor in the School of International Service at American University. She is the author of Shantytown Protest in Pinochet’s Chile (1995) and Police Power and Race Riots: Urban Unrest in Paris and New York (2014).

Natalia Dubno Shevin is a writer and an educator in New York City. She graduated from Oberlin College in 2017 with a BA in history.

Ella Shohat is professor of cultural studies and of Middle Eastern studies at New York University. Her books include On the Arab-Jew, Palestine, and Other Displacements: Selected Writings (2017); Taboo Memories, Diasporic Voices (2006); and Israeli Cinema: East/West and the Politics of Representation (1989).

Emily Siegel organizes educational tours of Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories for Eyewitness Palestine. She holds a B.A. in international relations with minors in Jewish studies and sociology from the University of Delaware and an M.A. in international peace and conflict resolution from American University’s School of International Service.

Rebecca Subar, a former settler in the occupied Palestinian territories, now facilitates dialogue between Jews and Palestinians on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Cecilie Surasky has worked as a professional communicator in a variety of social justice movements, and her film work and political analysis has been featured in film festivals and news outlets all over the world

Rebecca Vilkomerson has been executive director of JVP since 2009. In 2010 she was listed by the Forward as one of the fifty most influential Jewish Americans.

Jordan Wilson-Dalzell graduated from Pitzer College with a degree in creative writing. Her work has been published in the magazines Passwords, Abramelin, Eskimpi, and Cadaverine.

Rachel Winsberg graduated from Earlham College in 2014, where she majored in peace and global studies and economics. She is working toward becoming a nurse practitioner specializing in fat-positive, trans-affirming, and anti-racist health care.

Rabbi Alissa Wise is deputy director of Jewish Voice for Peace. She co-directs JVP’s organizing program and supervises the organization’s Jewish Communal Transformation, Interfaith, and Campus programs.

Charlie Wood is a lawyer specializing in privacy and data security matters and also maintains a robust immigration pro bono practice. He holds a J.D. from George Washington University Law School.